While surfing the internet for new exciting news in the screen industry I came across a new breed of screen, the security screen! Not only will these window and door screens keep out those pesky bugs but they also keep out those pesky BUrGerlers trying to get their magnet paws on all of your fine possessions. This is the NEW generation of screen. NBC news did a piece on this new breed of screen testing the functional ability. They built a 2×4 launcher powered by an air compressor that shot several 2×4’s at the screen door. To my surprise the 2×4’s bounced right off the screen door. My first thought was, “wow that would be great for my dog who is constantly bolting through my screen doors.” Then, they had a professional hockey player shooting hockey pucks at an estimated 90 miles per hour. The hockey pucks left a small hole in the screen but it was not large enough for the reporter to stick his hand in. Next, the reported tried splitting the screen with a crow bar and hammer but was again unsuccessful. Finally, the fire fighters came by for a test run at this Super Screen. It took them a few minutes with a saw split it open. The screen is made of 12×12 tiny stainless steal cables which is great for our island communities due to the high salt content in the air oxidizing metals creating rust. Fortunately, HoloHolo Screens is able to install this product in your home today! With the economy where it is theft is on the rise and you could become a victim. Call today for a quote.